Parenting Workshops

At every step in the growth and development of children even the seasoned parent needs a little help dealing with common parenting issues. While we know our responsibility towards our children yet there is a need to remind ourselves and check whether we are on the right track of parenting or not. At our parenting workshops we've got a great go-to guide full of tips and advice for all those challenging situations which clash interests between parents and children. It helps parents and children to have a more balanced approach to lead a holistic life. We customize and conduct need based workshops for institutions and social groups.

The issues we deal with in the workshops are:

  • Good Parenting
  • Behaviour Modification
  • Issues with modern day living
  • Discipline
  • Quality time spent with children
  • Communication gap
  • Recognizing and dealing children with difficulty
  • Managing Time
  • Love, Laugh, Listen and Learn

Each workshop helps the parents to deal with issues wisely as children learn the principles of good living from their parents, their character and conduct.

"Let us cultivate the fertile minds of all, including children. Let the children grow whatever they wish, in the gardens of their mind. Allow them to live life king size, broaden their horizons and have an expansive consciousness and meet all their dreams with open arms. All you have to do is to encourage and give them your hearty support and see their dreams turning into realities."

For further details