After School Activity Centre -

Wise N Shine is coming up with an after-school, structured recreation activities centre. The activities are in the areas of performing arts, storytelling, music, drama, clay modelling as well as special events.

These activities have been especially designed for children above the age of 2.5 year. Each activity has been custom designed for different age groups . The centre has teachers who expertise in their respective fields.

Benefits of After School Activities:-

  • Improve concentration
  • Improve academic achievement
  • Help working parents and relieve the stress.
  • After-school programs keep children safe.
  • It protects children from negative and unsafe behaviors.
  • Develop social skills, confidence and self esteem.
  • It increases awareness and provides an opportunity for non traditional learning.
  • Includes time for physical and creative activity.

Our Activity centre serves as a perfect one stop safe n secure place for children.

For further details